IMG 5024 1 scaled

Using a glass lathe properly constructed by Jeremy Jones, a more sophisticated approach to making Tesla carbon button lamps has been achieved. As such, outstanding extraordinary effects have been obtained within the seemingly “dead vacuum” of the bulb. That is, the bulb shown in the video below does not possess any special gases enclosed whatsoever. This vacuum state appears to give rise to a higher circulation of carbon, silica, and aluminum atoms ionized to a given extent by due of the carbon button heating to a couple thousand degrees with application of high frequency alternating current. Below is shown such spiraling phenomena occurring within the bulb, seemingly to have never been documented for. Of course this excludes the instance of Tesla’s rotating brush effect which is observed in the video, although more “working time” of the lamp gives rise to more elaborate formations.

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Tesla Brush Effect


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Tentacle arms being attracted towards the lip of the glass jar supporting the bulb.


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Rotating spiral with three points in triangular shape.


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Bulb showing changes after being operated for one day.

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